TTCB North Zone elects representatives

The North Zone of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board held Club Representatives Elections last Tuesday which signaled the start of the race for the Presidency of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board.

The North Zone was the first zone out of seven to have held elections with the group of six representatives in support of Dinanath Ramnarine and Daren Ganga-lead team, having a landslide victory over those in support of Azim Bassarath. The elected club representatives have been advocating changes to the TTCB’s Constitution and have signaled their intention to fully support the ONE CLUB/ONE VOTE system and the immediate removal of the 12 unfair and undemocratic votes currently enjoyed by Bassarath and company.

Mahabir Ragoonanan one of the longest serving members of the TTCB and North Zonal Council stated “we are extremely grateful for the confidence the Clubs continue to show in our team and we look forward to being part of not only a change in the administration of cricket but a change in the Governance Structure of the TTCB”.

He further stated, “It is unfortunate that Bassarath and his team continue to resist change to a Constitution that gives them an unfair advantage of 12 votes and ultimate power. Such treatment to the Clubs in Trinidad and Tobago is disrespectful”.

The group of Winston Sobers (22 votes), Mahabir Ragoonanan (22 votes), Kassandra Constantine (21votes), Andrew Hirst (20 votes), Stephen Samuel (18 votes) and Anthony Durrant (17 votes) were voted in by the twelve clubs present and voting.

The elections were witnessed by executive member of the TTCB, Patrick Rampersad, who was involved in the counting of the ballots.

Don Asgarali (7) led the challenge for the Bassarath supporters along with Ingrid Maxwell (5), Roland Harry (4), Johnathan Warren (3) and Francis Joseph (3), former Press Secretary to the former Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

David Furlonge, the sixth nominee, withdrew his nomination the day before the elections.

Yesterday, South Zonal Council conducted elections while Central, East, North East and National League will all take place today.

The Annual General Meeting to elect a new president and officers of the TTCB takes place in October 2016.