The Anthony Harford I knew

The Anthony Harford I knew

I can describe Anthony Harford in four words. Kind, Resourceful, Approachable, and Professional. When I started in sports journalism, over 30 years ago, Anthony Harford was one of the shining lights and examples in the profession.

I remember going to sporting news conferences at Holiday Inn (now Radisson hotel) and, during those discourses, the voices which dominated the proceedings were that of the late Dave Lamy, Anthony Dennison, kirk Perreira, George Baptiste, and Anthony Harford. Despite being one of the giants in the field, Anthony Harford treated me with great respect and always had a word of encouragement, not just for me, but for all the junior reporters. Anthony Harford was always open to questions and discussions and will take the time to clear up matters during the press conference, which were puzzling to us.

Anthony Harford was never aloft and never talked down to junior reporters, as some of his peers did.

Genuine Supporter

Personable and approachable are other qualities I admired about Anthony Harford. I felt at ease and comfortable in his company and he always greeted and welcomed young, aspiring sports reporters into the profession. In doing so, his words were, “You guys are the future of this noble profession.”

I thought at the time Anthony Harford will be around forever because of his massive influence on so many of us. On hearing of his passing on the morning of December 3rd, I realized how wrong I was. Another of his qualities that made him outstanding was his resourcefulness. He was a walking lexicon on the sporting landscape. Anthony Harford loved to talk about how he got started in Radio Broadcasting and the legendary stalwarts he worked with. He repeated his mantra for success on every given occasion on how they loved the profession and worked hard. 

Professional Personified

Anthony Harford was truly the consummate professional. He was blessed with a ‘smooth voice’ and his diction and delivery were of the highest order. He was the best Master of Ceremony I have had the pleasure of hearing in this twin-island state. Anthony Harford showed his class as an intellect, all while being witty and jovial behind the microphone. To me, there was and will be no one his equal.

There is always sadness at one’s passing, but I am comforted with the fact that I had the privilege of working alongside such a man, although he was an iconic figure never lost the common touch. May his Maker welcome him as he did to thousands during his stint on planet earth.

1 Response
  1. Stephen Samuel

    What a fitting trebute to a man who is well deserved for it. I used to admire Anthony Halford as a sports journalist and sports presenter, but I really got close to him and got to know him better when he was chairman of the North Zone sometime around 2000 or there about. Tony as he was funly called was a gentleman a people person very passionate to sports and its development. He made you feel comfortable regardless of your status in society. A consummate professional, as long as you were around him you must learnt something. The sporting ferturnity and the Country as a whole has lost a good soul. My condolences to his family. He has gone to continue his work on the other side may his soul R I P.