North Zone Police Service Cricket Section Distributes hampers during COVID-19 Pandemic

Even though the Domestic Cricket season has recently been abandoned the officers of the TTPS cricket section has kept themselves engaged. When they are not on active police duty many have been doing their own personal physical training at home.

Amir Khan, the longest standing member of the TTPS Cricket Section, was inspired by a newspaper article on persons donating to the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. It prompted him to start a charity initiative with his colleagues of the cricket section who all decided to cooperate and contribute financially towards the purchase of food items.

Hampers were distributed by the officers in the major districts of the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western districts of Trinidad.

PC Amir Khan and PC Derek Nancoo who spearheaded this initiative hopes this would be the impetus for year round charitable ventures.

The cricket section felt that they were blessed, and in a position to contribute to others who may be facing challenges, especially during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

They urge others who may read this article to be inspired and encouraged to help and support those in need during this difficult period due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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