North Zone Cricket Council assists at Mass Vaccination Site

As Trinidad and Tobago move towards the goal of fully vaccinating its population against Covid-19, the North Zone Cricket Council of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board, in its own way, helped make this a reality.

On Wednesday 21 July, members of the Council were at the mass vaccination site at the Paddock, Queen’s Park Savannah, to distribute bottles of water to citizens after receiving their first jab of the Sinopharm vaccine.

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Stephen Samuel, a member of the Disciplinary Committee of the NZCC receiving his water after being vaccinated.

The initiative was the brainchild of Ingrid Maxwell, chairperson of the Club Development Committee who introduced the initiative at our virtual monthly meeting of the Council held on July 13. The entire Council agreed that this was an excellent idea, as we would not use the water this year because of the cancellation of club cricket.

Amara Felix-Toussaint Secretary of the North Zone Cricket Council and Chairman, Winston Sobers assisted Ingrid Maxwell on the day.

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Two members of the public receiving their water on exiting.

The zone distributed over 60 cases of water to an appreciative public on exiting the vaccination site.

We previously stored the water at the Zone’s office at the Queen’s Park Oval with its intended use for clubs in the 2021 season, which was aborted because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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A thankful member of the public with Ingrid Maxwell, Winston Sobers, and Amara Felix-Toussaint

The North Zone Cricket Council would like to thank the North West Regional Health Authority for allowing us to be part of the vaccination drive as we combat this global threat, Covid-19.