National U15 team receives uniforms in Pandemic

The National U15 team selected to represent Trinidad and Tobago in the 2020 CWI regional tournament, which had to be cancelled due to Covid-19, were gifted full uniforms by the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board on Saturday 12 September at the National Cricket Centre. All the Covid-19 protocols were observed on the outfield of the NCC.

While the players would have been disappointed about the tournament not taking place, receiving their uniforms did bring a measure of joy and gratification, having worked so hard to realize their dream of making a National team.   

Four such players selected to the squad were North Zone standouts Aditya Ramdeen, Saleem Ali, Niall Maingot, and Arshad Harrilal. The North Zone Website spoke with the players on receiving the uniforms and their general feeling about the cancellation of the tournament.

Niall Maingot
Niall Maingot

“I was elated When I was called upon to represent my country, Trinidad and Tobago at the under 15 level in the regional tournament 2020. However due to the COVID 19 pandemic the tournament was cancelled. This was very sad news for me when I found out that the tournament was going to be canceled as I worked very hard to make it to the national team and I was not even going to get to play. Even though I did not get to actually play and represent my country I am still very proud of myself and my fellow teammates that made the team as we all worked very hard on our game to make this team.”- Niall Maingot

Arshad Harrilal 1
Arshad Harrilal

“I was proud to make the team but I was very disappointed when the tour got cancelled. I was really looking forward to training with the other players and getting to know them. After I heard it got cancelled it was very upsetting because I really was hoping to go”- Arshad Harrilal

Aditya Ramdeen 1
Aditya Ramdeen

“I think the highest honour that may be placed upon someone is in being presented an opportunity to serve and represent one’s country. Therefore, I was extremely proud but more importantly, I was humbled upon my reflection of my various experiences with coaches and mentors whom I have had an opportunity to work with throughout my career thus far. Of course, I guess it is only a human reaction to be disappointed as I am sure any athlete would be after a period of immense sacrifice and dedication put out jointly by coaches and the team. I realized it was important to quickly pull myself out of this and adopt a mindset of self-improvement for the next season.”- Aditya Ramdeen

Saleem Ali 1
Saleem Ali

“I was very elated to be one of the 16 players that were picked to represent my country, Trinidad and Tobago. Unfortunately, the tournament was cancelled and it was too hard to believe because I was looking forward to defending the title that we had won the previous tournament before.”- Saleem Ali

Coach of the North team Aaron Kurbanali said “The four boys who got selected from North really earned their picks as they worked really hard pre-season to get their performances up to par as their aim was to make the National side. They were also all instrumental in the inter-zone tournament as well and pulled their weight in the side which resulted in us reaching the Semi-Finals. They will all reach far in their cricketing endeavours provided they put the same hard work and effort in. Congrats to them all and I wish them all the best in their future.”

President of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board Azim Bassarath when contacted said “I know how disappointed the entire team must be feeling having worked so hard to be selected to represent Trinidad and Tobago, most of them for the very first time. It was however heartening to see the smiles on their faces when they received their uniforms. They were really appreciative of being recognized for their hard work.”

The full squad:

Luke Ali (Captain), Abdul Raheem Toppin (Vice-Captain), Alexander Chase, Fareez Ali, Saleem Ali, Brendan Boodoo, Kovid Bispath, Christian Rampersad, Samir Saroop, Niall Maingot, Jayden Kent, Riyaad Mohammed, Adrian Mahase, and Aditya Ramdeen
Arshad Harrilal and Stepphan Mc Pherson

Manager – Kelvin Mohammed and Coach – Brian Browne