Umpires training course at the Queen's Park Oval.

Innings and Results-  Law 15 (Declaration and Forfeiture)

On previous editions of “How’s That” we would have looked at setting up the game before play begins. Given that “play” has now started we would be looking at the ways and means in which an innings can be declared or forfeited.

Time of declaration

The captain of the side batting may declare an innings closed, when the ball is dead, at any time during the innings. A declared innings shall be considered to be a completed innings.

Forfeiture of an innings

A captain may forfeit either of his/her side’s innings at any time before the commencement of that innings.  A forfeited innings shall be considered to be a completed innings.


A captain shall notify the opposing captain and the umpires of any decision to declare or to forfeit an innings.  Once notified, the decision cannot be changed

Source: Tom Smith’s Cricket Umpiring and Scoring (Law 15)

Are you interested in learning more about the Laws of Cricket? Please join the North Zone Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association of Trinidad and Tobago. Training classes utilize a combination of PowerPoint presentations, verbal discussions, quizzes, and on-field demonstrations when the laws of cricket are being taught. Training classes are free and persons, male or female and of any age, are welcome to join. For more information, please contact (868)752-3572.