North Zone’s Virtual Meeting

20200311092901AE2Z5173 Allan V. Crane 1
North Zonal Council U17 team.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has disrupted everyone’s lives worldwide. It has especially altered the workplace and working groups that now depend on technology to maintain business safely and efficiently.

Now that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago has implemented COVID-19 regulations, all cricket games and sport related gatherings have been suspended. 

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Captain Aidan Samaroo and Kyle Ramdoo

Technology is now being used to bridge the gap and meetings are being held by web conferencing in accordance with the #StayHomeStaySafe measures.

The North Zonal Council recently held its first virtual monthly meeting on Tuesday 7 March that connected the council members from the safety of their living rooms. Members dialled in from various locations. Our Secretary, Amara Felix-Toussaint, who is presently out of the country and due to the closure of our borders by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, was unable to return home, joined the meeting from Europe and was able to contribute to the meeting.

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Captain Aidan Samaroo on his way to 125 n/o vs North East

The North Zonal Council felt it necessary to keep productive and positive during this COVID-19 Pandemic and persevere until we can all take the pitch again.

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